The hottest tax issues at the moment, according to our research are:
1. High Court case challenging the validity of tax stimulus payments - There is an argument presented that the Federal Government does not have the contitutional validity under s51 (tax powers) to offer these payments as they are a gift and not related to taxation. If this case were successful, then this would affect Commonwealth payments made over the past few years.
This is not the best time to be putting a test case forward for this, as many people are expecting the payment. And frankly, we think the economy needs it.
2. Our followers are also concerned about the $900 payment, and their eligibility. We have experienced a lot of traffic from our site to the
tax bonus calculator. If you earned less than $100k and paid tax, you may be eligible.
3. $720 million tax concessions for small business and general business - the government will cut PAYG rates by 6% to give businesses a tax break during these harsh economic times. It includes small businesses, self funded retirees and SMSF (self managed super funds).
4. Bushfire - Extension of lodgement dates for bushfire affected victims, stamp duty exemptions for bush fire affected areas, and salary sacrifice donations being exempt for FBT for employers. We applaud the government for all these moves and will be covering this in more depth.
5. Alcopops tax to be scrapped - $1.6BN revenue hole now created. We have some contacts in the beverage industry who will provide an industry insight.
6. Same sex couples being granted same recognition as heterosexul couples for Centrelink. This has been a been a long time coming. We remember people talking about this since the mid 90's.
"The Federal Government says same-sex couples have three months to contact Centrelink with relevant social security, tax, superannuation or health information."
7. 42,000 people use the first home buyers grant - However this has been declining for since last month. Every man and his dog is aware of the $14k grant for purchasing a home and $21k for building a new home. Interest rates are fantastic now as well but do you really want to be mortaged to the hilt if you could potentially be laid off from your job?
These are hottest tax topics at the moment. The majority of these are influenced by the current economic conditions and also by bushfires. If you come across anything noteworthy, please email us at info.austax at gmail dot com and we will tweet it!
From the AusTax Team - the tax insider.
The #1 provider of Australian tax news on twitter.